Interest rates not best metric for real estate prices, what is better?

Interest rates not best metric for real estate prices, what is better?

For years interest rates were the number one indicator for real estate prices.  In this cycle interest rates have more than doubled yet real estate prices have barely budged.  If we look back at 2008, the impetus for the large real estate crash was rising interest...
Has the housing market bottomed out?  Will housing prices continue to rise? What does this mean for interest rates

Has the housing market bottomed out?  Will housing prices continue to rise? What does this mean for interest rates

Like most, I have been surprised at the recent upward movement in prices.  Did we just experience the shortest housing cycle ever?  Are housing prices going to continue their recent upward swing?  Why are housing prices now moving higher after a very shallow decline...
The largest buyer of mortgages not buying a soft landing; what are mortgage rates in 2024?

The largest buyer of mortgages not buying a soft landing; what are mortgage rates in 2024?

Both the stock and bond markets are partying like its 99 again. Fannie Mae, the largest buyer of US mortgages, is not buying into the theory that a soft landing is the base case for the economy.  What is Fannie Mae predicting for inflation and in turn interest rates? ...
Rents accelerate 13%, is this a warning sign?

Rents accelerate 13%, is this a warning sign?

Would-be home buyers priced out of the sales market are finding little consolation when they turn instead to the single-family rental market. Prices are soaring there as well.  What is causing the large surge in rents?  How is this related to housing prices?  Will the...