by Glen | Feb 10, 2022 | 2022 real estate predictions, Atlanta Hard Money, Colorado Hard Money, Denver Hard Money, Georgia hard money, interest rates, mortgage rates, private lender, Private Lending, Property Valuation, Real Estate economic trends, real estate investing, Real estate Valuation, residential lending valuation, Small Balance Commercial Lending, Underwriting/Valuation, what happens to real estate in a correction
Inflation plowed ahead at its fastest 12-month pace in nearly 40 years during January and substantially higher than any estimates according to a closely watched gauge the Labor Department released Thursday (CPI). The stock and bond markets are continuing to awaken,...
by Glen | Jun 24, 2021 | Private Lending, Property Valuation, Real Estate economic trends, real estate investing, Real Estate Trends, Real estate Valuation, Realtor, residential lending valuation, Underwriting/Valuation
As I look around the real estate market, you cannot help but notice the craziness. On my personal house in Colorado, my value is up around 50% in two years. These same trends are unfolding throughout the country, with appreciation hitting records. Is the real...
by Glen | Jul 29, 2020 | Real Estate economic trends, real estate investing, Real Estate Trends, Real estate Valuation, Residential hard money, residential lending valuation
Do you know where the next mortgage defaults will occur in your city? What cities and zip codes are most at risk during this recession? In every recession, there are two predictors of default/loss, collateral and equity. What does the data tell us today?...
by Glen | Jul 15, 2020 | Housing Price Trends / Information, interest rates, Property Valuation, Real Estate economic trends, real estate investing, Real Estate Trends, Real estate Valuation, Residential hard money, residential lending valuation, Underwriting/Valuation
From March 1 through the end of May, Americans deferred debt payments on more than 100 million accounts, according to credit-reporting firm TransUnion, a sign of widespread financial distress. Millions are out of work, yet house prices are increasing in most...
by Glen | Jun 24, 2020 | interest rates, Private Lending, Real Estate economic trends, real estate investing, Real Estate Trends, Real estate Valuation, Underwriting/Valuation
The stock market has been pricing in a fast and rapid V-shaped recovery, yet 106 million people and various businesses like United Airlines are painting a radically different picture. As Alan Greenspan, the former fed chief, famously said: markets can exhibit...