10k of student loans forgiven; what does this mean for real estate and mortgage rates?

10k of student loans forgiven; what does this mean for real estate and mortgage rates?

As of the writing of this article, President’s Biden’s plan is to forgive 10k in student loan per each borrower and further extend the payment pause until year end.  How will this forgiveness impact real estate prices, mortgage rates, and prospective purchasers?  What...
Do the bears foretell a market crash or a minor correction?

Do the bears foretell a market crash or a minor correction?

When I looked over my shoulder and saw these two fellows staring at me, it made me wonder if they were trying to tell me something.  I definitely got the hint!  I don’t think anyone would debate that real estate is now entering a bear market.  The million dollar...
Ready for a 30% drop in housing demand? Will tight supply really prop up the market?

Ready for a 30% drop in housing demand? Will tight supply really prop up the market?

The federal reserve did an analysis of what has led to the surge in housing prices and has a conclusive answer; the driver of high prices is not that we don’t have enough houses as the media has been claiming.   What is the real culprit behind soaring prices? Is there...
Haircut prices surge, what does this mean for real estate prices?

Haircut prices surge, what does this mean for real estate prices?

If you haven’t gotten a haircut in a while, you are in for a surprise.  Haircut prices like many other services in the economy are experiencing large increases.  What does the increase in haircut prices mean for the economy and in turn real estate?  Why are haircuts...
Fed raises rates, mortgage rates drop, stocks jump, technical recession, what happens now    

Fed raises rates, mortgage rates drop, stocks jump, technical recession, what happens now    

What a week it has been in the economy.  The federal reserve is still struggling to contain inflation and as a result increased the fed funds rate .75%.  After the announcement stocks roared back in a huge “relief” rally and mortgage rates plummeted.  Shortly after,...