How will student loan restart impact real estate

How will student loan restart impact real estate

As part of a debt-ceiling agreement forged by President Joe Biden and House Speaker Kevin McCarthy, monthly student loan bills will resume September first.  What does the restarting of student loans mean for real estate, interest rates, and the overall economy?  How...
Interest rates not best metric for real estate prices, what is better?

Interest rates not best metric for real estate prices, what is better?

For years interest rates were the number one indicator for real estate prices.  In this cycle interest rates have more than doubled yet real estate prices have barely budged.  If we look back at 2008, the impetus for the large real estate crash was rising interest...
Banks tighten lending; 46% rejection rate on mortgage loans

Banks tighten lending; 46% rejection rate on mortgage loans

It was already difficult for businesses and households to borrow money earlier this year — but after the collapse of three US regional banks and a cascade of rate hikes by the Federal Reserve, getting money has become considerably harder.   What does the decline in...
Has the housing market bottomed out?  Will housing prices continue to rise? What does this mean for interest rates

Has the housing market bottomed out?  Will housing prices continue to rise? What does this mean for interest rates

Like most, I have been surprised at the recent upward movement in prices.  Did we just experience the shortest housing cycle ever?  Are housing prices going to continue their recent upward swing?  Why are housing prices now moving higher after a very shallow decline...