Mortgage demand plunges 13.2% to end 2022, are higher interest rates the only culprit

Mortgage demand plunges 13.2% to end 2022, are higher interest rates the only culprit

  The market currently has a fixation on interest rates.  Essentially whatever interest rates do the market reacts accordingly.  For example if rates rise, sales fall and vice versa.  Are rates really the driver of the slow down in real estate sales?  If rates...
Inflation slows.  Will mortgage rates stabilize or head higher?  What does this mean for real estate prices?

Inflation slows.  Will mortgage rates stabilize or head higher?  What does this mean for real estate prices?

Where mortgage rates are heading seems to be the biggest question on everyone’s mind in real estate.  As of this writing rates were around 5.821% which is substantially higher than any economists had predicted even a few months ago.  What is causing the jump in...