Look past the resume to find the ideal candidate

by | Aug 8, 2014 | News

Look past the resume to find the right candidate.

Glen Weinberg, COO/Partner, at Fairview Commercial lending was recently published in the Colorado Business Magazine. He wrote the article: Look Beyond the resume for the right candidate. As a small business owner hiring the right person is always a challenge. I’ve found the traditional review resume, do interview, etc… might not yield the best candidate. We recently hired in our office in Atlanta and used a different strategy, the candidate exercise. I thought our learnings from our recent hiring would be beneficial to other small business owners. Read the full article on the Colorado business magazine website: http://www.cobizmag.com/articles/look-beyond-the-resume-for-the-best-hire?utm_source=iContact&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=ColoradoBiz&utm_content=Enews+for+08%2F06%2F14


Written By: Glen Weinberg, COO/Partner, at Fairview Commercial lending

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