Fairview Featured in Mortgage Professional America: Is a new marijuana cash cow headed your way

by | Oct 3, 2014 | News

marijuana grow operation

Is a Marijuana cash cow headed your way?

Marijuana may be a new opportunity for lenders as the demand and legalization of it for recreational use continues to grow across the country. Many are entering the newly legalized business hoping to make a buck and investment dollars are flowing to finance new ventures.

Read More: http://www.mpamag.com/mortgage-originator/is-a-new-cash-cow-headed-your-way-19677.aspx

Fairview Commercial Lending is recognized in Colorado and within the industry as leader in hard money / private money.  Glen Weinberg, COO/Partner, was recently interviewed by Mortgage Professional America regarding the new marijuana “cash cow”.  He provides insights on the impacts of the marijuana industry on both financing and property valuation.  Fairview is an expert in marijuana lending on both retail and industrial properties.  Learn more about our Colorado Hard Money Lending programs for Marijuana lending.

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