California clean air waiver revoked by Trump, impact on real estate in 33 states?

President Trump announced the revocation of the California clean air waiver act.  Regardless of where you sit on this particular issue, the impacts will be profound on States rights, on real estate and one industry in particular.  Why are 33 states impacted?  Which...
Realtor fees could change drastically due to one lawsuit

Realtor fees could change drastically due to one lawsuit

I’ve been hearing rumblings of this suit for months and I’m usually skeptical that lawsuits will totally alter an industry but the recent suit against the National Association of realtors, various multiple listing services, and many large real estate brokerages could...
The fed will drive us into the next recession; are we still in “transit”?

The fed will drive us into the next recession; are we still in “transit”?

    Federal Reserve Chairman Powell recently announced that inflation is transitory. Sound familiar?  Janet Yellen, the prior fed chair,  used this same term 2017 and 2018.  Seems like we are in an extended “transit”.  Why? Are we headed for the next...
FHA tightens the reigns, Banks pull back should you be worried?

FHA tightens the reigns, Banks pull back should you be worried?

The Federal housing administration over the last several years has been quietly easing the lending standards to increase home ownership.  Montgomery, the director of the FHA, did an abrupt change this month tightening standards “to maintain a better balance of...
Key fed gauge points to rate cuts first time since 08

Key fed gauge points to rate cuts first time since 08

A market indicator watched by the Fed as one of the most accurate gauges of economic health is pricing in lower rates for the first time in more than a decade. It was the first time since March 2008 the gauge, seen as a roadmap for traders’ outlook on Federal Reserve...