Biden halts foreclosures for 18 months, house prices up; no impact on “credit score”, but can’t get credit?

Biden halts foreclosures for 18 months, house prices up; no impact on “credit score”, but can’t get credit?

10 million Americans are behind on their mortgage payments, with the majority of these late payments occurring in FHA loans.  At the same time Millions are out of work, yet house prices are increasing in most markets.  What was in the new forbearance agreement?  How...
“this time is different” Vaccines rollout, good news abounds, 75% probability you are wrong

“this time is different” Vaccines rollout, good news abounds, 75% probability you are wrong

There has been a flurry of good news with stocks reaching records, talks of more stimulus, and vaccines rolling out.  Small stocks like Gamestop and AMC have been off the charts minting new millionaires every day.   What does all this mean for real estate?  How will...
Danes get 20 year mortgages at 0% what does this mean for the US market?

Danes get 20 year mortgages at 0% what does this mean for the US market?

Denmark, the country with the longest history of negative central bank rates is offering homeowners 20-year loans at a fixed interest rate of zero.  This is very similar to the zero percent financing on cars in the US except you are buying a house.  What does this...
2 out of 3 loans approved in 2019 would be turned down today, mortgage lenders tighten the screws

2 out of 3 loans approved in 2019 would be turned down today, mortgage lenders tighten the screws

The Urban Institute think tank says nearly two out of three loans made in 2019 would fail to meet at least one of the stricter standards  lenders have imposed since March. Banks are tripping over themselves to be the first to hedge against future downside risks and...
New gov’t data predicts defaults, Where will the defaults concentrate in one major city?

New gov’t data predicts defaults, Where will the defaults concentrate in one major city?

  I wanted to highlight Atlanta, Georgia as it is one of the top ten metro areas in the country, we have an office there, and we are intimately familiar with the real estate market.  Furthermore, it is a typical large city and a good indicator for the country as...