What to look for in a Private Lender

There are a number of outfits advertising hard money lending. Fairview is unique since we strictly lend our own money and there are no upfront fees. We fund deals we commit on and close quickly. There are no upfront fees.…

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Private hard money lender closings

Fairview Lending (https://www.fairviewlending.com) is the leader in private lending in Colorado, Georgia and Illinois.  We strictly lend our own money and there are never any upfront fees.  We have recently updated a list of some of our recent hard money…

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Real Hard Money Lender: No upfront fees

I commonly receive e-mails from other hard money lenders about their products and recent closings.  Many of the e-mails I receive are a bit misleading.  On Tuesday I received an e-mail from a "lender" based in the Midwest.  This group…

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Real Estate Values fall more than forecast

It appears real estate values continue to decline after the latest release of S&P/Case Shiller index.  The majority of cities saw continued declines in values.  So what is behind this decline increased interest rates: rates have recently come off the…

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