Marry, the house, date the rate, ready for a shotgun wedding

Marry, the house, date the rate, ready for a shotgun wedding

  In almost every real estate advertisement I receive, there is a common theme that prospective buyers should not focus on the rate as they will be able to refinance relatively soon at a much lower rate.  How true is this theory?  (hint anyone who bought into...
Closings surge in Q1 what does this mean for the rest of the market

Closings surge in Q1 what does this mean for the rest of the market

Look at the graph above, what has caused my closing to surge in 2025 while overall real estate closing volumes have plummeted?  What does this mean for real estate?  Don’t get me wrong, I like to think the surge in closings is because I’m an amazing lender and a great...
Credit scores surge, why? what is hiding?

Credit scores surge, why? what is hiding?

Wow, look at the huge increases in credit scores over the last 15 years.  This has occurred even as student debt, auto debt, and credit card debt have all surged.  Has the US all the sudden become much more credit worthy or has something else changed? What does this...
Upper income spending drops, what does this mean for real estate

Upper income spending drops, what does this mean for real estate

Higher income consumers are showing signs of stress.  Look at the chart above, from the peak in 2022 higher end consumers intent to spend has dropped almost 25%.  What does the chart mean for real estate and the general economy?  Why focus on higher end consumers?...
Global Real Estate Market Faces $175 Billion Debt Spiral: survive until 25

Global Real Estate Market Faces $175 Billion Debt Spiral: survive until 25

  The bank mantra over the last 3 years has been survive until 2025.  2025 is when bankers were predicting a sharp decline in rates that would ultimately bail out the beleaguered commercial property market.  Here we are at the dawn of 2025 and 10 year treasuries and...
A hidden crisis in US Housing; are fish the root cause?

A hidden crisis in US Housing; are fish the root cause?

  I took the pic above of a house after a small fire in CO.  I’m amazed the house had made it.  Unfortunately thousands of property owners in LA are not as lucky.  The recent fires in LA are estimated to cost upwards of 50 billion making it one of the costliest...