Close your hard money loan by year end

As the holidays are well upon us, many borrowers have asked: “can you close my loan by year end?”. The answer is yes. Fairivew is a private hard money lender that strictly lends their own money. Fairview has the ability to close loans quickly without the...

Loan broker fraud

Do you know your loan broker?   There was an interesting article in the Wall Street Journal ( ) regarding mortgage brokers / Loan arrangers.  In this article the author discussed a drastic rise in the fees that borrowers were being taken for without...

Colorado Residential Hard Money

Colorado Residential Hard Money Fairview is pleased to announce the creation of a new entity that will now be able offer residential loans on non owner occupied properties in Colorado.  These Colorado hard money residential loans on Non-owner occupied properties will...

TICs: Tenant in Common risks and rewards

TIC-tenant in common There have been many articles recently on TICs.  First, what is a tenant in common (TIC)?  A TIC is a tax structure that allows investors to pool their funds with other investors to purchase real estate.  For example if I had 20k that I got from...