Close your hard money loan by year end

As the holidays are well upon us, many borrowers have asked: “can you close my loan by year end?”. The answer is yes. Fairivew is a private hard money lender that strictly lends their own money. Fairview has the ability to close loans quickly without the...

What to look for in a Private Lender

There are a number of outfits advertising hard money lending. Fairview is unique since we strictly lend our own money and there are no upfront fees. We fund deals we commit on and close quickly. There are no upfront fees. Before selecting a private lender, it is...

U.S. Existing Home Sales Slump in February. Who is still lending?

I just saw the existing home data for February ( ).  Sales of existing homes continues to slump.  The foreclosure glut continues to drive prices down as well. ...

double dip on housing prices

There was an interesting article on CNN where Case/Shiller predicted a double dip in the housing market.  What is leading this decline?  In my opinion the number one driver right now is oil prices.  Many of the hardest hit areas were “exurbs” for example...

Real Estate Values fall more than forecast

It appears real estate values continue to decline after the latest release of S&P/Case Shiller index.  The majority of cities saw continued declines in values.  So what is behind this decline increased interest rates: rates have recently come off the historic lows...