New gov’t data predicts defaults, Where will the defaults concentrate in one major city?

New gov’t data predicts defaults, Where will the defaults concentrate in one major city?

  I wanted to highlight Atlanta, Georgia as it is one of the top ten metro areas in the country, we have an office there, and we are intimately familiar with the real estate market.  Furthermore, it is a typical large city and a good indicator for the country as...
Real Estate predictions for 2019. Home sales drop for record 14th month.

Real Estate predictions for 2019. Home sales drop for record 14th month.

We keep hearing that the spring real estate season is just around the corner, yet the April housing numbers came out showing a 4.4% decline from 2018 and continuing a downward trend of declining sales for the 14th straight month.  What is driving this trend?  What are...
Why children should guide your real estate decisions

Why children should guide your real estate decisions

    In real estate should you be following your children?  The chart above shows the net gain in births by state and provides a profound picture of the future of real estate.  What is the importance of the chart and why is it so important for long term real...

Hard Money Lending Guide: Get the Facts on Hard Money Lenders

Hard Money Lenders: What you need to know about Hard Money Lending What is a hard money loan? How does this differ with a conventional loan? I’m commonly asked these two questions and many others regarding hard money lending. I like to joke if one were to ask 10...

Close your hard money loan by year end

As the holidays are well upon us, many borrowers have asked: “can you close my loan by year end?”. The answer is yes. Fairivew is a private hard money lender that strictly lends their own money. Fairview has the ability to close loans quickly without the...

What to look for in a Private Lender

There are a number of outfits advertising hard money lending. Fairview is unique since we strictly lend our own money and there are no upfront fees. We fund deals we commit on and close quickly. There are no upfront fees. Before selecting a private lender, it is...