2 banks implode, largest since 2008, is this a trend, impact on real estate

2 banks implode, largest since 2008, is this a trend, impact on real estate

  Over 48 hours two banks failed for very different reasons. There is a saying in banking that when rates rise and easy money runs out, we will find the skeletons that have been lurking in plain sight.    Are we in for a 2008 rerun?  What caused the sudden...
Soft landing, brace for a much better spring real estate market  

Soft landing, brace for a much better spring real estate market  

In only a couple of months, the world has changed substantially.  In December, inflation was supposedly decreasing rapidly and the odds of a soft landing were non existent.  Fast forward a few months and inflation is running hot, consumers are spending like crazy,...
Big changes to Freddie seasoning requirements: how will this impact the housing market

Big changes to Freddie seasoning requirements: how will this impact the housing market

Beginning in March of 2023, Freddie Mac, the largest buyer of mortgages is drastically changing the seasoning requirements for any loans it purchases which basically means any new conventional conforming loan will have to follow the new rules.  What big changes are...
60k laid off, The middle is squeezed how will this impact Real estate and the recovery

60k laid off, The middle is squeezed how will this impact Real estate and the recovery

Purchasing power from paychecks fell 2.9% for middle-income households in 2022 compared with 2021, while rising 1.5% for the bottom fifth of households and 1.1% for the top, according to the Congressional Budget Office study.  Furthermore, nearly 40 percent of...
Mortgage demand plunges 13.2% to end 2022, are higher interest rates the only culprit

Mortgage demand plunges 13.2% to end 2022, are higher interest rates the only culprit

  The market currently has a fixation on interest rates.  Essentially whatever interest rates do the market reacts accordingly.  For example if rates rise, sales fall and vice versa.  Are rates really the driver of the slow down in real estate sales?  If rates...
Proposal for National rent control, what does this mean for prices and supply, why are rents increasing

Proposal for National rent control, what does this mean for prices and supply, why are rents increasing

It is no secret that rent has skyrocketed throughout the country.  Nationally rental growth peaked at 17.45% year over year in March of 2022.  Some markets like NY and FL have exceeded over 31% rent growth annually. What are the three causes of huge jumps in rents?...