Economy not as solid as headline numbers suggest

Economy not as solid as headline numbers suggest

It is interesting that the market continues to focus on interest rates and employment as the barometer for the economy while totally ignoring one metric.  As a lender I just did an analysis on our portfolio and one metric jumped off (chart above is my portfolio).  In...
President Biden’s national rental regulations announced

President Biden’s national rental regulations announced

States have traditionally set rental regulations including zoning, evictions, etc… but that is all set to change with the president’s new proposal.  The federal government will now be assuming many of the powers that were granted to the states. The biggest change is...
Clearest sign yet commercial real estate is in big trouble

Clearest sign yet commercial real estate is in big trouble

Foreclosures are surging in a risky corner of commercial real-estate finance, offering one of the most profound signs yet that turmoil in the commercial property market is just beginning.  Lenders this year have issued a record number of foreclosure notices for...
Lock in effect thawing: more houses coming on the market

Lock in effect thawing: more houses coming on the market

There is a theory that locked in low mortgage rates will force owners to stay in their houses.  This has led to a huge shortage of inventory throughout the country.  Why is the “lock in effect” starting to wind down?  What does this mean for real estate prices over...
One metric for risk is off the charts, impact on real estate

One metric for risk is off the charts, impact on real estate

  It is interesting that the market continues to focus on interest rates and employment as the barometer for the economy while totally ignoring one metric.  As a lender I just did a year end analysis on our portfolio and one metric jumped off the page increasing...
Federal government now considers $1.2m low/moderate income housing

Federal government now considers $1.2m low/moderate income housing

What do the increased conforming loan limits mean for real estate? The federal government (aka you the taxpayer) now backs mortgages up to 1.15m. The maximum size of home-mortgage loans eligible for backing by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac has jumped sharply over the...