Will mortgage rates rise significantly this year? Anyone associated with real estate saw that the federal reserve did not raise rates at their meeting 3/16/16. How is this possible that rates will not increase substantially? At their recent meeting on Wednesday they...
Hard Money Blog
Fairview named a top 100 Mortgage Professional
Fairview Commercial Lending named a "hot 100" mortgage professional. Glen Weinberg, COO Fairview lending, was recently named a top 100 mortgage professional by Mortgage Professional America Magazine. The prestigious award is given to top mortgage professionals...
Fairview Featured in Mortgage Professional America
Fairview featured in Mortgage Professional America: Hard Money can be both fast and smart: Glen Weinberg, the COO of Fairview was recently interviewed by Mortgage Professional America on Hard money lending and what differentiates companies in the hard money...
Will Marijuana go up in smoke: clouds on the horizon
Will the marijuana industry go up in smoke in 2016? 3 new threats to Pot The marijuana industry is on fire and not just generating smoke, but substantial profit and tax revenue for many states. For example, according to recent indications from the Colorado Department...
5 tools for real estate investors
5 essential tools for real estate investors Having looked at thousands of residential and commercial properties throughout the country over the last twenty years, I wanted to share a list of 5 tools that I use daily when evaluating properties. These tools are...
Will the real estate bubble pop?
Has real estate lost its "mojo"? Anyone who has watched real estate has certainly noticed a large uptick in house prices from 2007, almost doubling in many areas. This begs the question: Are we approaching a bubble? Are we going to see a correction like 2007 or the...
Stocks tank, what does this mean for real estate?
Global Stocks tumble to worst start since 2000 , what about real estate? Anyone with stocks has seen the headlines and their stock portfolio plummet the last several days (here is an interesting article from bloomberg on what happens after a 5% drop historically). So...
6 tips to close a loan when it doesn’t fit a bank
The Lender Says No! Now what? You have a great loan, everything looks good, the deal is set to close, but at the last minute the bank/lender says no. With today’s underwriting standards traditional lenders such as banks are forced to turn down transactions that...
Fairview’s new associate named “top dog across Colorado”
We are pleased to welcome Fairview's newest associate, "Mr. Waddles". Mr. Waddles was recently named a top dog in offices across Colorado according to Colorado Biz Magazine. He is the canine companion of Fairview partner Glen Weinberg who recently rescued him...
Ready for the impending real estate wreck
We’ve all been on the highway heading out town when traffic slows for hours due to a wreck. Everyone tries not to look as they pass by, but the vast majority of folks just can’t seem to resist the temptation. Just like a car wreck, there is a real...
2016 Real Estate Predictions
2016 Real estate Predictions 2015 in general for real estate throughout the country was very good in the vast majority of markets. With 2016 on the horizon where will real estate head in the upcoming year? Have we hit our peak and will 16 be an inflection year? What...
Need a loan closed in under a week?
Need a loan closed in under a week? Fairview is the answer. We are privately funded and can close and fund your loan quickly with zero upfront fees That is impossible, how about appraisals? Since we hold and service all of our own loans we do all underwriting...
Will fed kill pot? 5 tips for marijuana investing
Will the Federal Reserve kill pot? Last year Colorado alone generated over 700 million in sales of Marijuana (source: Washington Post) and is scheduled to increase to close to 1 billion by 2016. Marijuana is also now legal in OR, WA, AK and medical in many more. All...
Close before the holidays
Close before the holidays With fall in the air the holiday season will be upon us soon. Fortunately Fairview is able to close your transaction well before the holidays. We can typically close in as little as 5-10 days. How can Fairview close so quickly? We are...
Will Toys for Tots predict the marijuana bust?
Will Toys for Tots predict the marijuana real estate bust? I recently read an article in the Denver Post that the nonprofit Toys for Tots is unable to locate warehouse space for their annual toy drive. Without even reading the article, I knew why instantly. The Denver...
5 tips to increase your real estate brand
Happy fall to everyone. As a real estate professional, increasing your personal brand, whether as a small business owner or a realtor differentiating yourself in a large company is the key to success. As a partner in Fairview, I struggle like many of you as to how to...
Stocks Drop, What about real estate?
Dow drops 5% , what about real estate? Anyone with stocks has seen the headlines (and their portfolio) plummet the last several days (here is an interesting article from bloomberg on what happens after a 5% drop historically). So what does this all mean for...
Should you bet your wallet on zillow
Should you bet your wallet on Zillow or other online valuation? What is your property worth? Is the zillow value on your property accurate? I’ve always wondered how accurate Zillow/Trulia/realtor.com, etc… actually are. Especially because wheenever I ask a borrower...
Quickest way to lose thousands in real estate
Quickest way to lose thousands in real estate Want to know the quickest way to lose thousands on real estate? The answer is simple, pay top dollar for a house only to find out later that there are some serious flaws that have to be fixed in order to get what was just...
Hard Money Lending Guide: Get the Facts on Hard Money Lenders
Hard Money Lenders: What you need to know about Hard Money Lending What is a hard money loan? How does this differ with a conventional loan? I'm commonly asked these two questions and many others regarding hard money lending. I like to joke if one were to ask 10...
So you want to be a real estate investor?
Should you invest in Real Estate? What will your actual return be? It seems like everyone is chasing the same golden rainbow. There is an old saying that a stock bubble can be predicted when your barber provides investment advice, similar could be true in real...
Where to go when the banks say no?
Your Bank say No! What can you do? as seen in CO Biz Magazine You need cash and the bank says no. Most small business owners have been in a situation where they have an excellent opportunity but they are short on cash and traditional funding is not an option. Are...
Fairview Featured in the Denver Post
Fairview Commercial Lending Residential and Commercial Hard Money Lenders Fairview Featured in today’s Denver Post Residential Hard Money In Colorado and markets throughout the country including Atlanta, Chicago, Miami, etc… flipping is falling out of vogue as margins...
Marijuana Lending: Are You Crossing The Line
By Glen Weinberg, chief operating officer, Fairview Commercial Lending | As seen in the Scotsman Mortgage Guide With recreational marijuana available in four states — two of them, Oregon and Alaska, newly arrived on the scene as of 2014 — and medical marijuana...
Will mortgage rates rise
Will mortgage rates rise significantly this year? Anyone associated with real estate saw that the federal reserve did not raise rates at their meeting 3/16/16. How is this possible that rates will not increase substantially? At their recent meeting on Wednesday they...
Fairview named a top 100 Mortgage Professional
Fairview Commercial Lending named a "hot 100" mortgage professional. Glen Weinberg, COO Fairview lending, was recently named a top 100 mortgage professional by Mortgage Professional America Magazine. The prestigious award is given to top mortgage professionals...
Fairview Featured in Mortgage Professional America
Fairview featured in Mortgage Professional America: Hard Money can be both fast and smart: Glen Weinberg, the COO of Fairview was recently interviewed by Mortgage Professional America on Hard money lending and what differentiates companies in the hard money...
Will Marijuana go up in smoke: clouds on the horizon
Will the marijuana industry go up in smoke in 2016? 3 new threats to Pot The marijuana industry is on fire and not just generating smoke, but substantial profit and tax revenue for many states. For example, according to recent indications from the Colorado Department...
5 tools for real estate investors
5 essential tools for real estate investors Having looked at thousands of residential and commercial properties throughout the country over the last twenty years, I wanted to share a list of 5 tools that I use daily when evaluating properties. These tools are...
Will the real estate bubble pop?
Has real estate lost its "mojo"? Anyone who has watched real estate has certainly noticed a large uptick in house prices from 2007, almost doubling in many areas. This begs the question: Are we approaching a bubble? Are we going to see a correction like 2007 or the...
Stocks tank, what does this mean for real estate?
Global Stocks tumble to worst start since 2000 , what about real estate? Anyone with stocks has seen the headlines and their stock portfolio plummet the last several days (here is an interesting article from bloomberg on what happens after a 5% drop historically). So...
6 tips to close a loan when it doesn’t fit a bank
The Lender Says No! Now what? You have a great loan, everything looks good, the deal is set to close, but at the last minute the bank/lender says no. With today’s underwriting standards traditional lenders such as banks are forced to turn down transactions that...
Fairview’s new associate named “top dog across Colorado”
We are pleased to welcome Fairview's newest associate, "Mr. Waddles". Mr. Waddles was recently named a top dog in offices across Colorado according to Colorado Biz Magazine. He is the canine companion of Fairview partner Glen Weinberg who recently rescued him...
Ready for the impending real estate wreck
We’ve all been on the highway heading out town when traffic slows for hours due to a wreck. Everyone tries not to look as they pass by, but the vast majority of folks just can’t seem to resist the temptation. Just like a car wreck, there is a real...
2016 Real Estate Predictions
2016 Real estate Predictions 2015 in general for real estate throughout the country was very good in the vast majority of markets. With 2016 on the horizon where will real estate head in the upcoming year? Have we hit our peak and will 16 be an inflection year? What...
Need a loan closed in under a week?
Need a loan closed in under a week? Fairview is the answer. We are privately funded and can close and fund your loan quickly with zero upfront fees That is impossible, how about appraisals? Since we hold and service all of our own loans we do all underwriting...
Will fed kill pot? 5 tips for marijuana investing
Will the Federal Reserve kill pot? Last year Colorado alone generated over 700 million in sales of Marijuana (source: Washington Post) and is scheduled to increase to close to 1 billion by 2016. Marijuana is also now legal in OR, WA, AK and medical in many more. All...
Close before the holidays
Close before the holidays With fall in the air the holiday season will be upon us soon. Fortunately Fairview is able to close your transaction well before the holidays. We can typically close in as little as 5-10 days. How can Fairview close so quickly? We are...
Will Toys for Tots predict the marijuana bust?
Will Toys for Tots predict the marijuana real estate bust? I recently read an article in the Denver Post that the nonprofit Toys for Tots is unable to locate warehouse space for their annual toy drive. Without even reading the article, I knew why instantly. The Denver...
5 tips to increase your real estate brand
Happy fall to everyone. As a real estate professional, increasing your personal brand, whether as a small business owner or a realtor differentiating yourself in a large company is the key to success. As a partner in Fairview, I struggle like many of you as to how to...
Stocks Drop, What about real estate?
Dow drops 5% , what about real estate? Anyone with stocks has seen the headlines (and their portfolio) plummet the last several days (here is an interesting article from bloomberg on what happens after a 5% drop historically). So what does this all mean for...
Should you bet your wallet on zillow
Should you bet your wallet on Zillow or other online valuation? What is your property worth? Is the zillow value on your property accurate? I’ve always wondered how accurate Zillow/Trulia/realtor.com, etc… actually are. Especially because wheenever I ask a borrower...
Quickest way to lose thousands in real estate
Quickest way to lose thousands in real estate Want to know the quickest way to lose thousands on real estate? The answer is simple, pay top dollar for a house only to find out later that there are some serious flaws that have to be fixed in order to get what was just...
Hard Money Lending Guide: Get the Facts on Hard Money Lenders
Hard Money Lenders: What you need to know about Hard Money Lending What is a hard money loan? How does this differ with a conventional loan? I'm commonly asked these two questions and many others regarding hard money lending. I like to joke if one were to ask 10...
So you want to be a real estate investor?
Should you invest in Real Estate? What will your actual return be? It seems like everyone is chasing the same golden rainbow. There is an old saying that a stock bubble can be predicted when your barber provides investment advice, similar could be true in real...
Where to go when the banks say no?
Your Bank say No! What can you do? as seen in CO Biz Magazine You need cash and the bank says no. Most small business owners have been in a situation where they have an excellent opportunity but they are short on cash and traditional funding is not an option. Are...
Fairview Featured in the Denver Post
Fairview Commercial Lending Residential and Commercial Hard Money Lenders Fairview Featured in today’s Denver Post Residential Hard Money In Colorado and markets throughout the country including Atlanta, Chicago, Miami, etc… flipping is falling out of vogue as margins...
Marijuana Lending: Are You Crossing The Line
By Glen Weinberg, chief operating officer, Fairview Commercial Lending | As seen in the Scotsman Mortgage Guide With recreational marijuana available in four states — two of them, Oregon and Alaska, newly arrived on the scene as of 2014 — and medical marijuana...