4 ways to hacker proof your data

by | Oct 28, 2014 | News

Protect your data

The headlines blare: 83 million accounts were hacked/compromised at JP Morgan Chase. Shortly thereafter it is announced that Home Depot, Sears, Dairy Queen, etc… have also been breached. As a small business owner how am I supposed to protect my company and client’s data if companies as large as Chase are unable to prevent an attack?

The above headlines should make anyone in the mortgage industry cringe. Being a private lender and a loan servicer myself the recent data breaches at many of the largest corporations keeps me up at night. How can a small business increase their security without the large IT staff? I recently wrote an article that was published in mortgage professional america  that shows 4 steps Fairview is taking to secure our data.  These tips are must do items for anyone handling sensitive information (or even you own personal information to ensure it does not get compromised).

Link to full article: Learn 4 simple tips that Fairview implemented to protect its clients data:as featured in Mortgage Professional America


Written by Glen Weinberg: COO Fairview Commercial Lending

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